Friday, March 14, 2008


what is life?

life is the evermoving present moment constantly shifting, spreading, rooting, thrusting upward.

toward the light, the explosion, the nuclear reaction-light penetrates atoms

light is not life, life is not death-death is not life, death is not dark

I realized this the other day, thinking about my friends and family who have experienced life and death

these are not issues to put aside, to think about later, because in all honesty, there is no later

life is the movement, death is the stillness,but as a gardener, I know that it is all relative

as a buddhist I know it is all relative to your bardo, where you are in your transition

I can think I am closer to the beginning of my life then the end, but it is not necessarily so

and then the pure sacredness of the present moment becomes, I don't really want illumination

I want life to continue forever

but what I think I want doesn't matter

I am nothing but life expressing itself

when I die I will not express life, I will express death, and to the living death isn't desirable

and love is what makes the world go round

1 comment:

GeoLeoF said...

"And what I think I want doesn't matter."

Your statement resonates in me.

Living somewhat alone for the last three and one half months, expending hours and hours burning fossil fuel to be with my partner for life, (your mom), and the numbness of just making it through is not my idea of life either.

But on the other hand it does matter, but this does not matter either.

We are and we do matter because we are aware that we exist.

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