It is seed time, and all through the house, not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse.
God, it is so exciting to peruse the seed catalogs in late winter. The brainstem is lit up like a christmas tree.
I have bought and used seed from these quality seed companies:
Seeds of Change
Johnny's Selected Seeds
Seed Savers
High Mowing Seeds
And I have heard good things about these companies:
Fedco Seeds
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
So far I wouldn't hesitate to say that Seed Savers seed is reliable, and Johnny's Selected seeds are quality as well, perhaps because they are in more northern clime then Seeds of Change. Just not a lot of luck with High Mowing for some reason.
The other ways we propagate plants is by attending the Friends School Plant Sale which is always fun and a great deal if you get there early, but the plants are sometimes lackluster.
The best plants you can by in Minnesota are here:
Outback Nursery
Glacial Ridge Growers
Landscape Alternatives
The best gardening store in the Twin Cities:
Mother Earth Gardens
I also check out Linders every now and then for the big nursery experience and to buy the odd plant:
An RV Central Vac for under $100.00
Part of living in a space less than 200 ft.² and having your dining room
and kitchen and desk generally in the same space as cleanliness. No
dishwasher t...
1 year ago
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