Thursday, September 21, 2006
1 comment:
- Unknown said...
Right on, Andrew! Don't let the naysayers have the last poo-poo word. Let facts & necessity speak for itself.
Shipping anything thousands of miles using a fuel that will soon run out is inherently unsustainable. Local self-reliance will someday be the only answer so why not start now? Besides, I actually ENJOY supporting people I know. I do not enjoy supporting faceless corporations.
I think this last is a point lost on most Americans - the value of feeling joy from cooperating. Frances Moore Lappe has been talking & writing about this the last several years. And since we happen to be referring to things Chilean, let me also recommend Chilean economist Manfred Max-Neef's work on basic human needs of which he says there are nine that are the same independent of time & culture.
Max-Neef's Basic Human Needs:
* permanence/subsistence
* protection
* affection
* understanding
* participation
* leisure
* creation
* identity
* freedom
I can see several in this list that are at least partially fulfilled by participating in a robust local economy. -
1:28 PM
All your points are silly. Let's take them one by one.
1. How is it better to support your local economy then the poor Chilean farmer? Is an American better somehow? Is someone who lives close to you better?
2. If the product is being made in Chile there is even less harm to the local watershed then if it is grown by a local organic farmer.
3. The vegetable is probably fresher, but that doesn't necessarily mean it is any more nutritious.
4. You will only save a small amount of petrolium products for your vegetable. Large ships use a lot of oil, but they also carry huge ammounts of produce.
5. Your local farmer care no more about you than the large corporation. They're both in it for the money. But the local organic farmer asks for more of your money.
Also, you say that food co-ops were started to help poor people. If that was the case, it is no longer. They are the gathering places of snobs.
Give me a big Safeway or Albertsons any day.
4:33 PM
Noah, why do you prefer a Safeway or Albertson's to a small co-op or grocery store? Is it because you like being the anonymous shopper, you like the giant buildings pulsing with wasted energy, the glib and unresponsive staff...You need to reevaluate why you prefer a giant box store before I can really debate you about local organic agriculture. You want to pay 5 cents for an apple from mexico? Go ahead and suck down those pesticides and herbicides, go ahead and feel happy about subjecting those farmers to these chemicals. Your points are not thought out:
1. It is better to support your local economy because that is where you live. Don't you want to support your neighbor, build a relationship with the farmer, recirculate your "hard-earned" cash in your town? this has nothing to do with being "better".
2. There is no harm to the local watershed when a product is farmed organically. None.
3. Fresher vegetables are better for you. There are more enzymes and vitamins. This is a scientific fact.
4. You don't honestly believe this? The farther away a vegetable comes from the more fuel is used in getting it to your plate.
5. The small local organic farm cares about the community and the earth. There is no other reason to get into organic farming. There is not alot of money in it. The farmer might as well work at UPS and get health insurance and a decent wage, rather then work their ass off every day for no money and no insurance.
I said in my blog that the co-ops were started to help the poor get bulk commodities, and now they have turned into rich peoples dietary centers. But I think it's important to support them anyway, the same reason I think it's important to support your community even if you think it's full of assholes. Only you can be the change.
1:05 PM